city of dreams

20130816-093232.jpg San Francisco has always had a piece of my heart. Not until this year though has the infatuation gone to the next level ;) I've explored the ins & outs, the rooftops & hideouts, and finally the eclectic music scene. Wow. Left in awe. I had the life changing chance to work here all summer and that has seriously been one of the best things that has happened to me. There's just something about this place that's unlike anywhere else. It's like a city with a secret, seductively luring you in to discover each gem for yourself.


Ever have those seasons in your life where all you want to do is just fly away? There doesn't have to necessarily be anything wrong in your life or anything too stressful, but simply a yearning to adventure. A desire to take a step outside your comfort zone and see things from a new perspective. That's how I've been feeling lately. Amidst a time where a lot of changes are going on around me and within me, Dream place on the list right now? NYC baby. I'm such a city girl at heart and I head to San Francisco every chance I get for a taste of its rich culture and escapism feel. I don't know what it is about big cities but it seriously makes me come alive inside, and I mean that both in the mental sense and even physical sense. I get an excitement in my bones and even the crisp air and hustle and bustle of each person rushing off to do their own thing excites me. The best part of all of it is that I love thinking that each one of these peoples' lives must somehow happen to collide in one way or another. Maybe I've seen Crash one too many times but I love the sense of thinking that even if we think we're in the largest city filled with a bunch of strangers, that we all still manage to collide at one point or another. After all, why else would we constantly be hearing the saying, "Wow, what a small world!"

Anyways, that's my little word vomit of the day as we trek into the weekend. Who knows when these little trips of mine will come to play, but I hope one day soon!


TGIF kiddos.