wild & free

One of my goals/desires when I decided to start my own business was not only to help my clients throw that perfect event they've been dreaming up, but also to inspire the community of creatives that I'm now a part of. To shed light on the importance of vulnerability, the danger of comparison, and to create a safe place for women to share their life lessons and revelations. 

I began reading this book last month, Wild & Free, with two friends and it has been such a breath of fresh air. I encourage everyone reading this right now to click and order it! (no, I'm not affiliated with them but I'm that crazy about the book hehe). I'm only half way through right now but it's already challenged me so much that it's made me tackle some issues I struggled with in the past. This has led to such an increase of confidence and joy in my life. 

Being the lover of writing that I am, I decided to publish my experience on Medium earlier this week. If you're interested to read further, simply click here.

Little teaser for those curious: 

…I didn’t get a job because the manager said I was “too much.” How that statement has impacted me 4 years later.


Once we cut off those strings of expectation, pride, and insecurity we stop allowing others to define us. That’s when living can actually begin.





Source: http://thewildrevival.com/wp-content/uploa...