

Be You. One of the shortest sentences one can form. Yet one of the most powerful assertions. So what does it mean to be you? What if you don't know who YOU are? Today at work we had a mini offsite for our team that was meant for some team bonding and brainstorming. With only 10 of us, we all went through the book Strengths Finder 2.0 to see what our top five strengths are (or "themes" as they call them). It was so beneficial to go through this with them because when you're working so closely with a team, often times you're left disappointed, confused, or just plain annoyed because you don't know how to deal with them. Maybe you're wondering why they react certain ways to specific situations -- or why they don't react at all. It was so eye-opening to share our results with one another because now I know exactly why they operate the way they do. And most of all, where their top strengths lie. This way we now know how each member of the team can best utilize these strengths to contribute to the team. 

I highly suggest reading this book and taking the assessment (within a team at work, with your significant other, or just for fun between your family or group of friends). As soon as I finished I wanted to share my results with those around me and curious to hear the results of my good friends. 

Just for my own reference so I never forget these (and because I'm sure you readers are dying to know all about me!) ... lol, I'll be sharing my top 5, as well as the tidbits from each that stood out most to me. It's interesting because we actually had to read this book for a course I took in high school and I still have it at home. I was comparing my results to the ones I got today (almost 7 years later) and 3 of my 5 strengths have remained the same. The other two are completely new! And in a new order too. Here it goes: 

1) Empathy

People who are especially talented in the Empathy theme can sense the feelings of other people by imagining themselves in others’ lives or others’ situations.

What stood out most: Chances are good that you are attuned to the full gamut of human feelings. Whenever your own or someone else’s life becomes emotionally barren, you search for people and activities to fill the void. You bring people together. Because of your strengths, you frequently detect impending conflict sooner than most people do. Your keen awareness allows you to sense what others are thinking and feeling. Simply put: You have a gift for helping people find common ground. By nature, you pay attention to what others think. You make them feel valued. Typically people sense that you appreciate what they say. This probably explains why many people enjoy spending time with you.

2) Harmony

People who are especially talented in the Harmony theme look for consensus. They don’t enjoy conflict; rather, they seek areas of agreement.

What stood out the most: You realize everyone sees opportunities, problems, solutions, and events differently. While you have opinions, you refrain from imposing them on others. You are good-natured — that is,you have a pleasant, cheerful, and cooperative disposition. Chances are good that you accomplish everything that others are counting on you to do. This is one reason why people admire you. 

3) Connectedness

People who are especially talented in the Connectedness theme have faith in the links between all things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.

What stood out the most: Driven by your talents, you sense that everything in life is somehow interrelated and interdependent. This idea fortifies you to calmly face most of life’s challenges and difficulties. ... By nature, you naturally build bonds that unite different types of people who have separate and often clashing agendas. You naturally identify with someone’s situation. You have a gift for helping people discover what they have in common. 

4) Consistency

People who are especially talented in the Consistency theme are keenly aware of the need to treat people the same. They try to treat everyone in the world with consistency by setting up clear rules and adhering to them.

What stood out the most: You might worry that chaos will reign when regulations or standard operating procedures are not uniformly enforced. Because of your strengths, you may have a reputation for straightening up certain types of things such as your desk, home, and personal items. Perhaps you have a detailed plan or schedule for cleaning, organizing, and maintaining your physical environment. By nature, you like creating familiar patterns of behavior. (dead on!) 

5) Communication 

People who are especially talented in the Communication theme generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters.

What stood out the most: Instinctively, you very much enjoy the animated give-and-take of a lively discussion. You yearn to spend time with your friends. Their absence saddens you. It’s very likely that you are sometimes open and honest about who you are, what you have done, what you can do, and what you cannot do. Maybe your straightforward explanations and stories help listeners see you as you see yourself.

Perhaps your words and examples move them to action. Because of your strengths, you like to
amuse people with your stories. Your stories probably provide people with pleasant distractions from their daily routines and worries. Chances are good that you select the right combination
of words to convey your ideas or feelings. You probably express yourself with ease and grace.


That's me! Reading these strengths and diving deep into discovering them is one step closer into figuring out who I am and now the challenge is to BE me with no hesitation, fear, or care about who will accept and and who wont. It's liberating. 

first post: coming full circle

shello. I decided to join the Wordpress world! When first I started blogging in 2008, I signed up on blogger (then it was blogspot)..I only updated it maybe 4 times since I started it, but I went back tonight and read my first post. It was about one of my favorite things to write about -- change. As I looked back on it, I remember the exact time period in my life that this was. It was the fall of my freshman year of college.. I had just moved to UC Davis to begin college away from home, away from all my friends, and I was on a simple search.. for sheer happiness & new experiences. The funny thing is that I couldn't have been more excited to get out of my bubble. However, change has always been the most dreaded of topics for me. I'm not good with it at all. I still complain about the fact that Nickelodeon's 90's lineup is gone and the fact that none of my middle school friends care to reminisce with me about our old times. I live for memories and the past.

Anyways, fast forward 3 years later and as of now I'm in my last year at Davis -- actually my last quarter here. I can't even begin to fathom how fast the time has flown by and that I'm literally DONE with college in 2 months. Wow. As I look back at this first post, I smile. A sly smile... knowing inside how great it feels to have come full circle with this change thing. Everything I wrote about still applies in some ways or another, but those answers I was searching for have surfaced their way into my life. The things I needed to let go of -- I finally realize how vital it was for me to really release all grasp of. To finally welcome change as a positive thing and not get so stuck on the past & let nostalgia get the best of me.

One of the biggest life lessons I have learned is that happiness, joy, and contentment cannot be found in situational factors such as moments, memories, friendships, or people (to be broad)... None of that lasts or satisfies permanently. Sure, the high of it is great and I'll be honest with you, it really does feel like it will last forever. But when it fades, it's almost like the worst come-down ever. It's funny, I look back on this post and I'm just in awe. Mostly at God's sense of humor. He really wasn't going to give up on trying to teach me this lesson until I fully got it.

And wow, three years later, and it's all coming full circle. I finally realize what it means to let go of own desire for control and let life run its course. This poem puts it so perfectly:

"To let go isn't to forget, not to think about, or ignore.  It doesn't leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret.  Letting go isn't about winning or losing.  It's not about pride and it's not about how you appear, and it's not obsessing or dwelling on the past.  Letting go isn't blocking memories or thinking sad thoughts, and it doesn't leave emptiness, hurt, or sadness.  It's not about giving in or giving up. Letting go isn't about loss and it's not about defeat.  To let go is to cherish the memories, but to overcome and move on.  It is having an open mind and confidence in the future.  Letting go is learning and experiencing and growing.  To let go is to be thankful for the experiences that made you laugh, made you cry, and made you grow. It's about all that you have, all that you had, and all that you will soon gain.  Letting go is having the courage to accept change, and the strength to keep moving.  Letting go is growing up.

To let go is to open a door, and to clear a path and set yourself free" (Author unknown)

Moral of the story -- it's just so awesome to look back on your own personal growth after time has passed and see how shifts in your mindset and views can come with maturity and the life experiences you have. It's such a gift to be walking out of the college world in a few months and have this paradigm shift.

I actually KNOW who I’m called to be and I’m on the road to find what makes me come alive– not stopping for anything short of amazing & God-breathed. Wow, I'm finally feeling free. So I welcome you in on this journey. Prelude to my life: check.