
Guilty: I've been more and more afraid to show my face here because of how much I've been lagging lately with the blogging. No excuse really.. I think I've just been really preoccupied in my mind and thoughts. I'm all over the place lately. Not to mention, I just turned 23 this week so much of my time was spent in birthday queen mode ;) best time of year, haha. I love the month of November especially because of Thanksgiving though. I got to spend tonight surrounded by my family and close friends who are pretty much our family. We don't have too much of our extended family living near us, so for the past couple of years we've spent the holiday potluck style with three or four of our super close family friends. It's always quite the occasion. We're surrounded by amazing food, get caught up in the most competitive charades games, and spend the whole night laughing and getting cozy by the fire. This is a short post because I'm actually leaving my thanksgiving dinner right now to head straight to the airport to catch the red eye to Detroit for my cousin's wedding! I get to be her maid of honor so I'm super excited about that. I wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving surrounded by family and lots of love. Oh, and please indulge. It's only right this time of year!





#disney addict

So, #1 is one thing you should know about me is that I am a Disney fanatic. I pretty much have seen every Disney movie 20 times, memorized every line, still cry at the endings, and sing each song as if I'm Celine Dion. In addition, thanks to Pinterest, I've been really into some of the minimalist movie posters that some of these talented designers have come up with. I especially love the gallery of this designer from France, Aurélien Allétru -- check out his entire portfolio of minimal Disney posters (http://bit.ly/gzdS3u). They are great. It's interesting to think -- what one item from each Disney movie would you choose when having to pick only one? I think some of the ones he chose are SUPER creative. Others I find interesting because I would have chosen something totally different, but I think that's what makes it cool. Each of us have something totally different that stands out to us most.

I can never pick which Disney movie is my #1 favorite because I have such a soft spot for each and every one. But I've realized that my tops are usually more of the underdog movies rather than Cinderella/ Little Mermaid/ Sleeping Beauty which usually are the most popular. A few of the ones that are my absolute favorites include: The Sword in the Stone, Mulan, Pocahantas, Robin Hood, Hercules, and Dumbo. I love them all, but just to name a few, these are the ones I grew up watching time and time again -- and the ones that I can still go back and watch now with so much excitement and joy.

My favorite thing about this long string of Disney movies is how amazing their writers and producers were. To be able to convey a message to an audience that ranges from a child in preschool, all the way up to that child's parent -- and to have them both leaving the movie in tears at how profound the film was is truly talent. I think each and every Disney movie has such a unique moral and message at the end that we can all take away. I can't pick just one that has the "best message" because obviously that's so subjective, but just to share my two cents: I re-watched the Lion King this afternoon after I was super bored, and I honestly think that the message conveyed by this film is truly phenomenal. What other children's film is able to relay the message about the circle of life/ the course of death so beautifully and so simply? It's honestly breathtaking. And I think watching it when you're older means so much more because you've experienced so much more at this point. Sorry to get emotional about it, but I honestly just have so much respect for writers who can translate such a powerful message into film and gear it towards such a wide demographic.

Thanks for changing my life Disney! I love you

Happy Sunday :)

Hola Bloggers, Hope you're all having a restful Sunday. Sundays are slowly becoming one of my favorite days of the week. Over the past year, my grandparents actually moved here from Canada and now live in an apartment 2 minutes away from my family's home. Since then, we've made it a family ritual to have lunch with them every Sunday afternoon after church. It's so fun for my grandma too because she loves spending all morning in the kitchen, preparing the most scrumptious foods for us to enjoy. When we go we usually just spend the entire afternoon lounging around their tiny 1 bedroom :) All 6 of us. Usually because we're so stuffed from the amazing Persian food, we will all pass out in one corner of the room and take a good old cat nap. I love that it's become tradition for us. I live for family traditions. Not only that, it's just been something I've taken for granted so many years... actually having a set time for "Family Time" has been such a blessing. When I was younger I was always made fun of because I'd always be the one leaving to go home for family time after church, instead of staying to hang out with my friends. It was always so annoying to me but every since I was in college and now afterward, I see what a blessing it is. At the end of the day, family is all you have. The only constant, the only supporters that you have 100% through the good, bad, and the ugly. I feel so honored that my parents instilled these values in me from such a young age, because now I'm going to pass those along to my own kids and also keep these traditions alive.

What are some of your family traditions? I think I'm going to do a blog post listing some of ours now that I think about it!



pieces of me

Last night while I was cleaning out my closet I dove right into doing one of my favorite things; reading through my old journals and my old snail mail. I've kept every journal I've had since I was about 13-14 years old, as well as a big suitcase full of all my old cards from birthdays to "thinking-of-you's." I love going through my journals especially and either a) laugh at myself for the things I was worried about back then or b) check myself on the fact that I still am dealing with some of the same things that I need to break free from and address even now. It's funny because we will never stop going through tough times in life. Obviously, life isn't perfect and the world isn't a perfect place. I think sometimes we think we are entitled to that perfect life, free from the internal stress and worry that we so often allow to control our lives. But the reality is this: no, life isn't perfect, but through life's experiences we are given tools and keys to learn to break free and rise above. I think that's the beauty on being able to go back and reflect. I look and see so many areas where hard times were able to give me a new perspective; a new light was shed onto the issue. And there are also the times where I've looked back and I see that I'm still dealing with the same thing. It's in those areas that I realize I still need a new outlook; I still need to see why God's allowing this trial to persist. The trials are never to harm us or lead us to failure. Instead, they're areas where we can develop in our character and perseverance.

--This is an excerpt from a poem I wrote back in 2010. It's crazy that when I was reading this last night, I felt so many of the same emotions that I felt while I was writing this 2 years ago. To look back and be able to tell myself this now, especially while going through a similar season, is SUCH a breath of fresh air. * I apologize in advance for the one usage of profanity-- it should say "BS" instead of the actual word; I in no way want to condone cussing, but I wanted to be vulnerable and share this piece of me.*




"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps" (Pro. 16:9)

--learning that trust means faith, and the opposite of faith is doubt and hopelessness. I don't want to get caught up in that mindset. No matter what the scenario or circumstance, I choose to proactively trust and place my faith in the Father who has already established my steps and where I'm headed.

edit: kudos X384 to Sabrina Ward Harrison who has been an inspiration of mine since I was 16. Because of her books, I have been so much more serious about making my dream of publishing my own journals a reality. Her art, using her words as well as her designs, has blown me away time after time. Sometimes it just seems like it's a one in a million type of person who gets the chance to do something like that, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?

Election Day

I'm not one for political posts or giving my 2 cents anymore -- too much drama. I've realized that in this day and age there are just some youth who don't have the maturity or the capability (sadly), to handle a political discussion, without it becoming an argument or dispute. What happened to the days of having an intellectually stimulating conversation, sharing two opposing opinions and respectfully hearing what the other person had to say? I find that recently I can only have those types of talks with my parents' friends or people who are much older than me. Anyways, today's post isn't to give my opinion on the election.. I have a feeling people are already on information/opinion overload with the amount of free speech that social media has given us to share our thoughts on this current election. Instead, I just wanted to share how crazy I think it is that it's been 4 years since the last election.

Call it my nostalgic self kicking in once more, but seriously... I was thinking about this last night while I lay in bed trying to sleep. I literally remember what I was doing, who I was with, and even what I was wearing four years ago during the last election!! I think most probably this was because fall 2008 was also such a pivotal time in my life too. I had just moved into the dorms for my freshman year of college at UC Davis. It was all of our first time ever being able to vote, so weeks prior to the election, my entire floor was studying up on all the props, sharing different views, and putting up cute little posters on our dorm room windows, sharing our opinions and who we were supporting. I remember the night of the election, myself and around 15 other dorm-mates were all in our common lounge area, all watching CNN, eager to hear the results. I even remember I was in my typical scrub attire; this sweat suit I had bought from Target which became my signature outfit on weeknights after getting home from a long day of classes, haha. We were all eating popcorn, sharing stories, and anxiously watching the screen to hear the final results. Once we heard Obama won, the room erupted with cheers and excitement. It was such a special moment... just witnessing a group of up and coming youth, having just entered adulthood, being able to take part in an election and then seeing their vote count and gain victory. I will never forget that moment as long as I live. I love being able to share important events in life with a big group of people. It kind of reminds me of our LOST series finale party we had (yes, I do consider that a big life changing event in case you were wondering).

Anyways, my only purpose with this post was to look back in shock at the fact that I feel like I'm getting old because I'm turning into one of those people who say, "I can't believe it's been 4 years!!" -- but seriously, I can't. I look at my college days and remember them like they were yesterday. I'm sitting in my room now, simply floored at the fact that it was FOUR years ago. That I'm so past that stage in my life and it's really sunk in that it's real world time.



Rant of the week: I'm annoyed because almost all of my shows were cancelled this week due to something. One of my biggest pet peeves is being so excited to watch your shows on DVR from the night before -- and then you get situated and lounged in front of the TV, only to find that none have been recorded! Gossip Girl, Parenthood, Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, AND the Challenge were all no where to be found this week :/ Sure, I saved some time and was able to be more productive with my nights, but come on, we all know that TV is my mistress. Excitement of the week: Okay, done with the spoiled brat rant. It's officially NOVEMBER! My favorite month of the year. And no, not ONLY because it's my birthday month, but because it marks the official start of the holiday season, as well as good old Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, and maybe a part of it is because I feel like it's the underdog holiday that always gets shafted. I got my mail yesterday and I'm already getting catalogs from Macy's with Christmas tree decor deals. Starbucks' holiday cup is out with snowmen on it. People have their lights up. Christmas music is flowing. I for one, am the biggest fan of Christmas time, but come on people, let Thanksgiving shine too!! Haha, I am the biggest Thanksgiving advocate. I think it's just as important to take a step back and truly immerse ourselves in the season of 1) giving thanks for our blessings & 2) actually giving to others who are less fortunate. I wanted to challenge myself this month to get outside of the "me-me-me" mentality I tend to stick in. Instead, I want to challenge myself to do something every day for someone else. It doesn't have to be buying an elaborate gift for someone every day, but even sending a kind note, doing someone a favor, or even smiling at a stranger. Anything that involves me giving back to those around me and passing along kindness. That's why this is my favorite time of year. In addition to the leaves changing, the crisp fall weather, and the yummy home-made treats, we are entering a season where we can reflect and give back to those around us. We can take this time to step outside ourselves -- and wow, what a humbling, intrinsic reward that leaves us with.

Happy holiday season to all of you! What are some of your ideas in challenging yourself to give back this season?




Can't wait for the start of wedding season. All I can think about these days is helping my beautiful brides-to-be prepare their save the dates, try on bridesmaids dresses, and talk color palates. Not to mention there are about 5 in the works right now. I love nothing more than spending hours by my fireplace, reading bridal magazines and picking out my favorites...and of course nowadays Pinterest does the job too! All in the hopes that my special day to come will be exactly what I'm dreaming it up to be too <3


#truth that I'm leaning on in this season of my life. I want to be the Proverbs 31 woman - So, sadly there's no new episode of Parenthood tonight and I think that a personal post is long overdue.. so I thought might as well get right to it. I've had a crazy couple of months when I take the time to sit back and recollect my thoughts on the past few months. Actually make that the past year. I still can't fathom how fast 2012 has flown by. I feel like I experience this every year, but honestly with year I think that it's been the fastest. I look back on how quickly each month flew by and all of the transitions that I've made in only a year.

Starting with graduating from college in December 2011 and moving back home to living with my parents, that was a big one. In my life I've always had my paths sort of set in front of me. It was always, get good grades and aim for the best and then when you're there, start that process over again for the next big thing. I have lived and breathed this cycle since elementary school and finally at the end of 2011, I truly came to the end of the ongoing cycle. I graduated from one of the best schools in California with honors, and 2 quarters early at that. You think you'd feel very accomplished right? I don't think I've ever felt more lost or confused than I did when I moved back home; right around the same time we rang in the new year.

I spent the first chunk of the new year job searching and really figuring out what I should do with my life. My initial go-to was comparing myself to everyone around me; what kinds of jobs do they have? how much should I be making? what kind of job looks "legit" or "prestigious"? That tends to always be the biggest mistake of mine. I'm ALWAYS comparing myself to others and wanting what I don't have. It's led to a lot of realizations over the years, and most importantly the lesson that I'm living my own life, no one else's... so might as well make this the best possible life for myself.

After 5 months of interviewing, stressing, and searching.. (oh, and include a spontaneous family trip to Europe in between all that!), I finally landed the right job; the perfect job in my eyes. I began working as a recruiter at a third party agency at a company really close to my house. I honestly think this was the best first job that anyone could have had. I was new to the corporate world and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, career-wise. This job gave me the opportunity to really gain a sense of all the different industries that are out there. I was able to work with some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley, as well as truly grow as a person. I look back and one of the biggest things I am thankful for is that I grew so much in shedding a lot of insecurities that I had and grew in my professionalism and confidence. A lot of fears I once had totally disappeared and were replaced with so much knowledge and maturity. Plus on top of all that, I was able to work with some of the best people that I have yet to meet. Our office was small so we literally became a family.

Flash forward 4 months in and we are here. Long story short, but as always, life is unpredictable my friends. And sometimes you don't know how good something was until it's gone.. or until it changes dramatically. Unfortunately, my work life took a huge turn and was overtaken by new management. The company did a complete 180 and we honestly couldn't even recognize it as what it once was. People left, new people came, and the culture shifted very significantly. As of right now, that door of my life has closed and I look at it now through the eyes of someone who isn't that little girl who is fearful about what is to come. Instead, I look at this like a blessing in disguise.

All of my life, I've had so many passions but yet to go after them. I sell myself short, think I don't deserve the things that I want, or that they're too hard to obtain. I realize how that the constraints I've put on myself are the only things that are stopping me. Even starting this blog and being regular about it was truly a tough feat. But I finally realized, if this is my true passion, start! You have nothing to lose. I see the blessing in disguise, because my last month at my job I kept wishing and hoping for a new opportunity to present itself. In a way, my time there was done. It was such a great experience to start off with, and I am going to take the lessons I've learned with me throughout the rest of my career -- but it was almost as if God was also agreeing with me and saying, yes the time has come to move onto something bigger and better.

So right now, even though I feel like I'm back at square one and back to where I was exactly at the start of 2012, I realize I'm not there at all. In fact, I've progressed so many steps forward. In maturity, in wisdom, in confidence, and in faith. The verse I have posted above is the verse that I'm leaning on and truly walking out in this next stage of my life. I want to be the woman who can truly laugh in confidence & in hope that there is absolutely no fear of the future; but only good things ahead.

If it's writing & blogging that I love, then I won't cease to write until I land something. If it's event planning, if it's recruiting, if it's in the corporate world, or even starting my own business venture -- nothing is too out there as long as I myself believe in it.

And that's been the biggest transition of all -- shifting from all of the personal doubt to believing in myself moreso than I ever have before. Looks like a new chapter has literally been added in to my life at this point. And it's my job to choose how it's going to be written.

now here's the 411...

Hello ALL. Whether you've randomly stumbled upon this blog, or you're a friend of mine, I wanted to use this post as an intro to a little bit about me, why I started this blog, and some of my aspirations. All my life, writing has been a passion of mine. It started with a love for all of my English classes. While the class would sit and groan when we were assigned an essay, I was secretly grinning from ear to ear. There is just something about writing as a medium to communicate. Some people are better sharing in person, but others just get it ALL out there in writing.

I remember one of the first blogs I ever started reading was www.postsecret.com. Sitting there each day, not seeing the face of the person who was sending in their little postcard, but just reading their 1 liner and GETTING them. I felt an instant connection to the person. It's just something about writing...

I used to blog here and there on blogspot, and then it was always posts that were very personal. Kind of like an online diary if you will. Some of my earlier posts on this blog are similar as well, but I really want to start having more of a structure to my blog. I've made a decision to be regular with my blogging and make it a spot where hopefully you want to come stop by and take a peek at what I'm all about. With this post, I hope to introduce myself a little more and share with you what my interests are and what I'm most passionate about.

So what am I all about? Cutting it down into some broad categories, here is what you can expect to find with my daily postings:

1) Personal- because I can't get enough of sharing about my life and the day-to-day rants that I have to get off my chest. One thing you should know about me is that I LOVE story-telling. One of my favorite things is just sitting around with a big group of friends and retelling an experience of something funny or embarrassing that just happened.

Hand in hand with that, the main focus of this blog is geared towards being 20-something and not really knowing that's next in life. I know so many people who are in this same boat of being straight out of college, hitting up the real world, and being bombarded with a whole lot of confusion and somewhat of an identity crisis. I hope to use this blog as an outlet to hear from YOU if you're in that boat, if you have been there, and what your 2 cents are.

2) Entertainment - I love nothing more than movies, TV, and music. It's sad, some people spend their youth excelling at sports and hobbies that are so physically rewarding.. me on the other hand? I am your entertainment guru my friends. I can spend DAYS talking about every TV couple on the air and who's love is the most endearing, or the LOST series finale and how the analysis will never end. I love movies and TV more than anything, and I definitely want to use this blog to review the shows I watch and share my opinions about the cast, the plot, and realism of each show. (my lifelong fantasy is to one day be an entertainment blogger, namely TV/movies, so Michael Slezak if you're reading, holla at your girl!)

Music -- always a fan of the underground music scene and the raw talent that is out there. I spend most of my days on music blogs and sharing albums via dropbox with my peers. You can definitely expect some links to what I'm currently listening to and enjoying.

3) Other than personal and entertainment, I can't think of another broad category to list, but hey, anything goes. I have always prided myself on my Persian roots ;) therefore, who knows, if I have any "you know you're Persian when.." experiences, or hilarious family antics, trust me I will not hold back on sharing.

Quite honestly, writing is my personal creative outlet. As I was sitting and trying to think of names for this blog, nothing better came to mind than, "Undefined & Unrestrained"... Why? Because I think at 22, you really don't know who you are yet, and you don't know where you're going! But there's beauty in that. And I'm figuring it out, while allowing myself to be totally unrestrained. Unrestrained with what I blog about, with the paths I choose to go down, and with the opportunities I hope will surface. It's just the beginning, and for lack of better words than to get cheesy and quote The Hills, "the rest is still unwritten.." hehe

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride my friends! Welcome to my life.

6 month check-up

okay, so it's been much longer than 6 months. i look back and I can't believe that 2012 is already coming to an end. My last post was right when I graduated college and moved home. So much has changed since then. I can't believe I was SO worried when I was back home from college. I'm going to go more in depth with that in my next post, because that's one issue I really want to have constantly addressed in this blog. I think the beauty of growing up is taking uncertainty with a positive attitude. Being excited to see what door opens next and where life is going to take you. Prime exaample -- never in my wildest dreams did I imagine where life would take me this past June.

I had the amazing chance to go on a dream trip of a lifetime to Europe with my family. Not only was it a fantasy to all of us because the pricing had always been so expensive, but it was also one of the best bonding experience the 4 of us have ever had. This is one trip that I will forever remember.The photos don't eve begin to do Europe justice! It was MAGIC, my friends.

The day after I got back from France, I began my first "big girl job" as I like to call it. I've been there for the past 4 months working as a recruiter. It is SO different being in work mode rather than school mode. I'm enjoying it though... it has been such a growing experience that was much needed. More on the job to come!

typical post-college syndrome

why is it that my own 17 year old brother is so passionate and driven about what he wants to do with his life and future, while i'm sitting here more confused than i've ever been in my life? it's so embarrassing when everyone's favorite question is, "so now that you're a graduate, what are you doing next?" and i just give them a blank stare and tell them i legitimately have no idea. i feel like it makes me look pathetic. here i am, done with school from one of the top 20 public schools in the US, with a pretty decent GPA, and some great memories under my belt -- but now i'm back at home, 2 weeks in, and i'm just confused. borderline frustrated with myself because i feel like this is what i felt like freshman year of college and not what i should be feeling like now. i thought i was supposed to have it all figured out by now. i'm applying to some marketing jobs/ the business field and getting my resume all spruced up for that, but in reality, this is not the kind of job i want nor think that i will enjoy. sure, i know the pay will be amazing, but honestly why do i want to do this at age 22?

i want to travel, i want to experience life, i want to see other parts of the world, interact with different kinds of people... i feel like i've been in a bubble for the majority of my life and it's soon going to be too late.



the best metaphor i can use to describe my mind sometimes is a washing machine. i have so many thoughts going on in my head that it's a load of different colored items.. ranging from a shirt, to a holiday sock, to a plain tank top. and as the day goes on, so does the circular motion of the laundry. there are so many "to do's", little analytical comments i make to myself, and even things i wish i could scream out but instead it just goes round and round. sometimes i let the load go round and round so much that i forget how easy it is to get a break from it all. it's almost like God's telling me "okay, nas, the load is finished.. all you have to do is open the door and let the clothes sit. the wash process is done." instead it's like i just get distracted, sitting there watching the clothes turn in the cycle, all meshing together, forming one big palette of color. it's almost sick if you think about it. okay maybe that's a little harsh, but it's a tedious and mentally draining process. and the funny thing is that we can get so immune to it sometimes that we think it's normal once we reach a certain point.

i'm so thankful for the clarity in knowing when enough is enough. when it's time to remind yourself, "snap out of it" and press the "door open" button. remembering -- certain things are just not in our control. that we can choose to make a decision, and let it be; instead of adding the excess over-analyzing afterward! i want to quit being glued to watching the motions of day-to-day life go around in the chaotic cycle and instead take a minute to just step outside and remember to smell the roses :)


first post: coming full circle

shello. I decided to join the Wordpress world! When first I started blogging in 2008, I signed up on blogger (then it was blogspot)..I only updated it maybe 4 times since I started it, but I went back tonight and read my first post. It was about one of my favorite things to write about -- change. As I looked back on it, I remember the exact time period in my life that this was. It was the fall of my freshman year of college.. I had just moved to UC Davis to begin college away from home, away from all my friends, and I was on a simple search.. for sheer happiness & new experiences. The funny thing is that I couldn't have been more excited to get out of my bubble. However, change has always been the most dreaded of topics for me. I'm not good with it at all. I still complain about the fact that Nickelodeon's 90's lineup is gone and the fact that none of my middle school friends care to reminisce with me about our old times. I live for memories and the past.

Anyways, fast forward 3 years later and as of now I'm in my last year at Davis -- actually my last quarter here. I can't even begin to fathom how fast the time has flown by and that I'm literally DONE with college in 2 months. Wow. As I look back at this first post, I smile. A sly smile... knowing inside how great it feels to have come full circle with this change thing. Everything I wrote about still applies in some ways or another, but those answers I was searching for have surfaced their way into my life. The things I needed to let go of -- I finally realize how vital it was for me to really release all grasp of. To finally welcome change as a positive thing and not get so stuck on the past & let nostalgia get the best of me.

One of the biggest life lessons I have learned is that happiness, joy, and contentment cannot be found in situational factors such as moments, memories, friendships, or people (to be broad)... None of that lasts or satisfies permanently. Sure, the high of it is great and I'll be honest with you, it really does feel like it will last forever. But when it fades, it's almost like the worst come-down ever. It's funny, I look back on this post and I'm just in awe. Mostly at God's sense of humor. He really wasn't going to give up on trying to teach me this lesson until I fully got it.

And wow, three years later, and it's all coming full circle. I finally realize what it means to let go of own desire for control and let life run its course. This poem puts it so perfectly:

"To let go isn't to forget, not to think about, or ignore.  It doesn't leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret.  Letting go isn't about winning or losing.  It's not about pride and it's not about how you appear, and it's not obsessing or dwelling on the past.  Letting go isn't blocking memories or thinking sad thoughts, and it doesn't leave emptiness, hurt, or sadness.  It's not about giving in or giving up. Letting go isn't about loss and it's not about defeat.  To let go is to cherish the memories, but to overcome and move on.  It is having an open mind and confidence in the future.  Letting go is learning and experiencing and growing.  To let go is to be thankful for the experiences that made you laugh, made you cry, and made you grow. It's about all that you have, all that you had, and all that you will soon gain.  Letting go is having the courage to accept change, and the strength to keep moving.  Letting go is growing up.

To let go is to open a door, and to clear a path and set yourself free" (Author unknown)

Moral of the story -- it's just so awesome to look back on your own personal growth after time has passed and see how shifts in your mindset and views can come with maturity and the life experiences you have. It's such a gift to be walking out of the college world in a few months and have this paradigm shift.

I actually KNOW who I’m called to be and I’m on the road to find what makes me come alive– not stopping for anything short of amazing & God-breathed. Wow, I'm finally feeling free. So I welcome you in on this journey. Prelude to my life: check.